
The procedure for submitting appeals, complaints and claims by consumers regarding the quality of the supply of electric energy and the submission of notifications about threats to electrical safety and their consideration: In accordance with Chapter VIII of the Rules of the Retail Electricity Market, the Consumer, in the event of a violation of his rights and legitimate interests, should first of all contact PE "ENERGOTRANSZAKHID" or the system operator (hereinafter referred to as participants) with an appeal/complaint/claim regarding the elimination of the violation by such a participant and the restoration of the consumer's rights and legitimate interests.
To the appeal/complaint/claim, the consumer must attach the available originals of decisions or copies of decisions that were made on his/her appeal/complaint/claim earlier, as well as other documents necessary for consideration of the appeal/complaint/claim, which after his/her consideration are returned to the consumer.
If the appeal does not contain the data necessary for making a reasoned decision, the retail market participants may, within a period of no more than 3 calendar days, contact the consumer for additional information necessary for a full and objective consideration of the appeal/complaint/claim.
In the event that the consumer does not provide the necessary information (documents), explanations regarding the circumstances specified in the appeal/complaint/claim, the retail market participants must provide the consumer with an explanation (answer) based on the information available to him. The consumer's failure to provide additional information is not a reason for the retail market participants' refusal to consider the consumer's appeal/complaint/claim.
A retail market participant, having received an appeal/complaint/claim from a consumer, must register it and consider it in accordance with the procedure. If the consumer does not agree with the decision taken on his application/complaint/claim, he can appeal against such decision by sending a complaint to the Regulator or the Energy Ombudsman.
A complaint may be filed by the consumer within 1 year from the date of adoption of the contested decision, but no later than 1 month, starting from the day following the day of familiarization or receipt by the consumer of this decision. The supplier has the right not to consider a complaint submitted in violation of the specified term.
Appeals, complaints and claims of consumers regarding the quality of the supply of electricity and notifications of consumers about threats to electrical safety must be made in writing and submitted in person or by mail to the following address:
PE "Energotranszahid": 79039, Lviv, str. Shevchenko, 60, building 8
Received appeals, complaints, claims and messages from consumers are considered in accordance with the procedure and time limits established by the Law of Ukraine "On Appeals of Citizens" and the current legislation of Ukraine.
Together with the answer, the consumer is provided with information on alternative mechanisms and ways of solving relevant disputes (issues) and contact details of responsible state authorities, local self-government, officials authorized to consider such appeals/complaints/claims. In the event that the electricity supplier receives (complaints/claims) from the consumer on issues that do not belong to his competence, he sends such an appeal/complaint/claim to the relevant retail market participant in accordance with his competence within 5 working days, about which he notifies the consumer at the same time .